Joseph Mulherin, better known as nothing,nowhere, can’t be defined by any one genre. A master of blurring the lines, he artfully blends emo rap, pop punk, rock, and metal. Since 2015, he has released an LP, three EP’s, and four albums. Just after the release of his explosive fourth album, Void Eternal, I had the opportunity to cover his Spring 2023 tour in Greensboro, NC.

This tour would be the first time hearing these new songs live. While nothing,nowhere isn’t new to metal by any means, these songs are a bit heavier than his style has been lately. I had the opportunity to cover one of his shows a couple years ago and was ecstatic to do so again, as he’s one of my top favorite artists.
Openers Hazing Over and Oxymorrons attempted to prepare the crowd for nothing,nowhere, but nothing could prepare us for the excitement of when Joe finally took the stage. The band took the stage one by one, launching right into an explosive performance of “THIRST4VIOLENCE”. As amped as the crowd was to hear new songs from Void Eternal, the energy shot up even higher for the older tracks we’ve loved for so long, like “nightmare” and “love or chemistry”.
Before launching into another older song, “dread”, Joe explained that he wrote that one when he wasn’t in a very good place, but we’re all in this together, and thanked us all for being there with him.
Their set was full of songs picked perfectly to please any nothing nowhere fan, new or old, but also a perfect introduction for anyone who may not have been very familiar prior. This may have been just a brief 4-show headlining tour, but be sure to check out nothing,nowhere opening up for Wage War starting April 11th!

love or chemistry

follow nothing,nowhere.