Calling Fort Wayne, Indiana home is Contr⌀ller, a high energy alternative metal outfit who mix their diverse musical backgrounds with influences from bands like Deftones, Sevendust, Nine Inch Nails, and many more. Peeling back the veil, you will find members Jeffery Saum (Keys/Vocals), Stephen Sedik (Guitar), Chad Arms (Bass), Kris Collier (Drums), and Bob Pearson (Vocals). Their sound is driven by not only gritty and tasteful riffs, but a soaring unison of vocals, articulated drums and mesmerizing keyboard sections and elements of synth. On March 8th, they released their newest EP titled From Ashes, through Curtain Call Records, and have another planned to drop later this year.
Contrøller is no new band, not for me or others in their scene and community. Since their formation in 2011, they have been a constant force, producing new material on an almost yearly basis, and touring and playing countless shows. One new way they have connected deeper with their fans is through the creation of the "ACTUALLY CONTRØLLER" podcast. You can find them talking over a range of topics, interviewing guests, and even reviewing bands. That sort of care and involvement in the music community, and support for fellow artists, is commendable, which can also be said about their own music and the dedication shown to even older material. I asked guitarist Stephen Sedik about the general theme around From Ashes, and this is what he had to say:
"We wanted to cast a better light on a few of the songs from our album Watch It Burn that we felt got the "short end of the stick". So we picked 3 songs that we felt deserved that opportunity the most and reworked/rewrote them. Took them to our producer and gave them the treatment they always deserved."
Below are my own personal interpretations and perspectives of each track.
Of Embers
Particles of dust and ash begin to stir on the shoreline, the tides carry a focused wind that surgically begins combining elements, forming a shape beneath the beaches thin surface; the ground groans and begins to open, revealing a new form.
On these bruised knees for a thousandth time, it seems as though I am not meant to continue down this path. With some attempts to stand I feel a strike to my chest and other times the worlds weight pushing back on me. Voices buzz all around, some yell to discourage, others plead for me give up and turn back, but I will power through; I've made it this far, haven't I?
Looking into those dark pupils I see myself suspended in a deep abyss; a firm grip locked around me with no escape in sight, only shackles and emptiness across a vast landscape. In my heart I feel a voice retreating to the shadows, daring not to step out of line and receive your bite. Every moment in your presence feels like an eternity below the coldest seas, a pressure threating to break in my walls if I don't break and reach for the surface.
Silently, I walk along a lone ridge, seeking a viewpoint over the expanse of my inner being. I know what awaits me but still, these feet move forward. Reaching the mountains edge I peer below; protruding from the void is a small plateau where two versions of myself stand. One ablaze, an arm outstretched towards the other who teeters on the edge of oblivion. 'Commit or Fall', that is what begins to echo off every wall, the only way for this perpetual dance to cease; I must not fear the light, rather accept its guidance through the unknowns of life.
Of Ashes
Raising both palms to my line of sight, I observe an orange glow that runs along my arms and around this renewed form. These lines pulse with every heartbeat, filling me with a warmth I have not known in many moons. As I step into the water the landscape brightens and color returns to the sky. My soul burns, it has endured a frozen cell for the last time and will now walk free of shackles once more.
From Ashes is hands down my favorite work from Contrøller so far — it's dark, but breathtaking, and a balance of in your face but knowing when to back off that they have always done well with. It has been some time since I last heard their music, prior to this EP, and still, I appreciate their distinctive sounds with keyboards, synths, and drums. On the track "Suffocate", I noticed those aspects of the music, specifically; they helped convey emotion more directly, and brought the tone back down from moments of intensity. I would have to mark that as my personal favorite, along with tracks "Of Embers" and "Of Ashes", the way those to roll into each other seamlessly is unreal.
I'm fortunate enough to have worked with this group since the year I first started writing music reviews. I just want to thank them for supporting and believing in me over the years, it has never gone unnoticed.

Artwork: Stephen Sedik
Mixed by: Austin Putt
Mastered by: Marvin Tide
FFO: Deftones, Nine Inch Nails, Karnivool, Sevendust