Oh God, Impulse Machine is at it again! The band that sounds like the beautiful and insane love child of Danny Elfman, Mr. Bungle, Ice Nine Kills, and Dir En Grey and the conceptual appearance of a Tim Burton film and 28 Days Later, are releasing their newest creation: The Parasomniac.
There are no words that can easily and correctly describe the sound of the band while accurately saying how I felt listening to these two songs. “Insomnia” is best described as a haunting acoustic ballad while “Parasomnia” is an epic of surrealist prog proportions. Back in July of 2024, the band released “Roadkill Shuffle” and if you thought that was a weird track, it is as tame as can be compared to these new ones. With classical string components, haunting piano and keywork, deafening electronic sounds that leave you wanting to scream, and hair-raising riffs, it is quite a journey. Mix all those sounds up with the sound of vocalist Conner Tomlinson’s voice, and you have yourself a recipe for chaos.
Just when you think you have the slightest idea of what is coming next in the song, you could not be more wrong. This is something that the music scene is missing: the sense of surprise. Impulse Machine takes whatever formula the music world is using and makes it their own with this EP. When speaking about the concept EP, the band had this to say:
The Parasomniac is a two-act concept EP that deals with themes of trauma and dream symbolism. The story and music follow the titular sufferer of nightmare disorder as they force themself awake for weeks before descending into psychedelic horror where memory, reality, and dream become intertwined.
If the likes of Rob Zombie, Tool, or Rammstein ever needed an opening band that fits the bill on their level of “weird,” Impulse Machine is THAT band. Do not sleep on this band because I guarantee they will be headlining arenas in no time.