Abby Crabill

Jessia Encourages Listeners to be "Okay With Every Part" of Life in New EP

Abby Crabill
Aug 2, 2024
3 min read
PHOTO: Facebook

Singer-songwriter, JESSIA, has just independently released her new 6-track EP, Okay With Every Part. After losing both her label and a relationship in three month's time, Jessia began her journey towards acceptance in order to grow and overcome these difficult experiences. This EP brings her audience along on that journey.

Regarding the EP, Jessia explains, "Each song on this project represents a pivotal moment in my journey to finding peace and confidence again. This EP represents me accepting the good and bad parts of life so that I can look back and say, I’m okay with every part.”

Track 1: "Different People"

The EP kicks off with the strong leading track, "Different People". The haunting tone sets the mood as the artist grapples at the thought of a former lover moving on to new people. The repetitive nature of the lines "Like are you kissing// Different people// Trying not to say my name// To different people" creates a nagging sense of those familiar moments when our minds just won't let us rest and forget what we're feeling.

Track 2: "Friends With My Friends"

The transition to the second track, "Friends With My Friends", is smooth due to the continuation of the theme of heartbreak. While the artist appears to still be dealing with the struggle of letting go of a relationship, this track is noticeably more upbeat and danceable. This feels like a fitting choice, as the song focuses on the difficulty of interacting with an ex and mutual friends at parties.

Track 3: "He's A 10"

Now at the halfway mark, the third track, "He's A 10", is where the EP begins to slightly shift gears. Personally, this is my favorite track from the collection. While it may feel a bit less personal than the other tracks, this song is also the most relatable and serves as a strong female anthem. It feels as if you are ranting with a close friend and they are reminding you to go beyond physical appearances and choose a partner who is actually a good person for you. The lyrics "I don't wanna be rude// But I love you and I just want the best// But this guy's not the dude// I understand that it's hard to resist// Those abs that smile// Is that really your type// Don't even care if he's not treating you right" feel like you have your own personal hype woman with you.

Track 4: "Care About Me"

This is the track where the artist finally begins to realize that the obsession with their former partner/relationship is unhealthy. Many of the previous tracks represent the artists' obsession over the past, and this track acts as the breaking point. But with this realization, the artist struggles with knowing what is right for her and the urge to still put the former partner first. This inner struggle is represented as lyrics like "Oh, I know that I deserve better than this// But I don't know how to not treat myself like shit" alternate between the artist wanting better for herself and defending the other person.

Track 5: "Happy Without You"

It only makes sense that the track list transitions into "Happy Without You", which is the climax of the EP. The artist has seemingly overcome the struggles of the former relationship, and learned to let go and look to the future in a positive light. The tempo and beat of this song picks back up, creating a sense of renewed healing.

Track 6: "The Woman You Are"

The final track successfully pulls the entire EP together. It is a beautiful tribute to the artist's mother, while also expressing her as the inspiration when overcoming challenges. The tone is similar to "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus. The lyrics perfectly sum up the EP by saying, "A whole nother life// You gave me the freedom// To go and live mine// I'm okay with every part// If I became// Half the woman you are".

Jessia also recently announced her first headline tour. The Be Here Now tour begins on October 22nd. Follow her below for more details.

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