By: Matt Benton
Let me paint this picture for you. It's a Tuesday night, the weather in Dallas, TXhas been getting hotter and hotter while the chances for thunderstorms and hail are on the rise. Sounds like a good enough reason to stay inside, cuddle up in bed, and listen to some Lewis Capaldi. Or. You could be one of the hundreds of people that went down to the South Side Ballroom on 9 May to watch Capaldi live in concert. And I know this is the case because I talked to someone in line that told me they had been waiting for nearly 6 hours for the doors to open! That is some hardcore dedication.
The night started off with Medium Build taking the stage and the vibes were had immediately. I don’t think I’ve heard a crowd scream that loud in quite some time. Not only was the music immaculate, but the banter between band and crowd was next level. While the songs took you on an emotional rollercoaster, it was balanced with lovely conversations with the members of the crowd. It was near impossible to stop smiling when Nick Carpenter (vocals, guitar) told the crowd how his birthday was coming up and the crowd responded by singing him “Happy Birthday”. Definitely an amazing start to the night.

After a quick changeover, it was time for Lewis Capaldi to take the stage. Before I get into the details of his performance, I need to mention the stellar work of his crew. I watched how quickly and efficiently they were able to get the stage ready and even during the performance, everything was like a well-oiled machine. Major shout-out to them.

Now, back to Capaldi. If I thought the roar of the crowd during Medium Build was loud, the sound when Capaldi took the stage was deafening. While the songs were a bit on the sadder and softer side, I looked out to the crowd to see a sea of smiling faces in pure bliss. Capaldi’s voice built beautifully off the crowd’s voice as several hundred people sang together in unison. I knew he was a popular artist with multiple Grammy nominations and some wins, but this was just next level. A top tier moment of the set was when he took a moment to address a couple at the barricade and asked how long they were together. He then went on to dedicate that song to “Allen and Sarah… and their inevitable breakup”. Overall, I could only begin to imagine what it would be like to see Lewis Capaldi in a stadium setting and, fingers crossed, I get to experience that one day.

Setlist (according to
1. Intro: Broken by Desire to Be Heavenly Sent
2. Forget Me
3. Forever
4. Lost on You
5. Fade
6. Before You Go
7. Bruises
8. Wish You the Best
9. Grace
10. Pointless
11. Hold Me While You Wait
12. Someone You Loved