Listen. I love some good ol' -core. Metalcore, deathcore, hardcore ... all of it. Give me some breakdowns, blast-beats, and some animal sounding vocals, and I am all in. But, sometimes I'm craving something different. You know the vibes. It's raining out, the thunder is crashing down in the distance, the smell of coffee dances from the kitchen to where you're sitting. Those days call for some nice, mellow, and calm vibes. Coincidentally, those were the exact vibes when I had the chance to Madi Diaz at the Kessler Theater in Dallas, TX this past weekend while on The Weird Faith Tour. The tour has been hitting some huge market cities as Madi Diaz is out supporting her most recent release, Weird Faith, which came out on the 9th of February.
I really had no idea what I was in for as Madi Diaz took the stage at the Kessler Theater this past Saturday, but I was so happy to have experienced this. With nearly 85,000 followers on Instagram and over half a million monthly listeners on Spotify, I was amazed with the intimate experience that fans had the pleasure of having with Diaz. It felt less like a concert, but more of a hangout with an old friend you've known for years. An artist's ability to have that effect over a crowd is nothing short of mind boggling. As Diaz continued to serenade the crowd song after song after song. Not only was Diaz able to flawlessly give a studio-level live performance, but her ability to banter with the crowd was outstanding. Laughing and making jokes with the crowd just added to the feeling of it not being a paid experience, but that hangout feeling.
With vocals that danced throughout the venue to your ears as well as lyrics that continued to tug on your heartstrings, the crowd did nothing but sing back every word as Diaz sang. Accompanied by some of the most delicate sounding guitar chords that just added to the happy tears rolling down your face as you listened to music that just made you feel, you can tell there was love between Diaz and fans. This type of love from the crowd is nothing short of genuine. It is hard to argue that Diaz is an artist that fans love and support. If you don't believe me, take the chance yourself and catch Madi Diaz at any of her upcoming shows as she finishes out her tour.