This past weekend, Dallas, TX, was visited by rock royalty Myles Kennedy. Accompanied by Sons of Silver and Tim Montana, the three acts brought nothing but good vibes, fun, and lasting memories to the fans at Echo Lounge & Music Hall. To say that this night was anything short of phenomenal would be an understatement.
Sons of Silver started the night off with a huge bang. As the band took to the stage, the crowd erupted into a deafening roar of applause. As the band continued to play some of the most electric and amazing rock music to ever grace the city of Dallas, all you could see was a sea of fans having the time of their life. Dozens of fans were on their feet to show the band what Dallas is made of. While this was my first time experiencing Sons of Silver, I truly hope that this is not my last.

Tim Montana took the stage next, and my goodness, talk about someone who was MADE for this type of career. Between his charismatic charm, insane musical talent, and his ability to riff off his fellow band members, Montana can do it all. Speaking as a metalhead, there were multiple moments during his set where I noticed some chunky breakdowns, blast beats on the drums, and some harsh screamy vocals. While you could call Tim Montana “country rock”, I’d say that he scratches that same “country” itch that Bilmuri is able to. To say I am patiently waiting for another chance to catch Tim Montana live would be an understatement.

After much rocking out, singing along, and fun, it was finally time for Myles Kennedy to take the stage. My knowledge of Kennedy is semi-limited, as I really only know him for his work in Alter Bridge (come on, everyone knows the masterpiece that is “Metalingus”), so I was extremely excited to see what he had in store. I obviously was the odd-man out because every fan in attendance was on their feet and screaming the lyrics louder than the PA system. The entire set constantly got better and better as the sea of hundreds of people were headbanging in unison. Watching Kennedy’s fingers dance across the neck of his guitar as his voice serenaded fans, I can’t think of a better way to have spent a Saturday night. With less than a dozen dates left on the current tour run, if you have the chance to catch Myles Kennedy live, do it!