Ken Kongkatong

An Interview with Steph La Rochelle

Ken Kongkatong
Sep 9, 2024
3 min read

Steph La Rochelle is a Juno-nominated Canadian singer-songwriter based in Ottawa known for adeptly weaving heartfelt pop/folk melodies with evocative lyrics through her songs. Having heard her performance at Ottawa's beloved music venue, Red Bird, earlier this year I can attest that she lives up to her reputation as one of the capital's foremost singer-songwriters. Recently, I caught up with her to interview her about her career, recent successes, and what she's been working on lately.

How would you describe your music to those who, are unfamiliar with your work?

I’d categorize my sound as a blend of pop and folk singer-songwriter, combining an organic oldsoul quality and a dramatic, cinematic edge.

Can you tell me a little bit about your upcoming single?

I have a brand new single coming out titled, 'Lost & Found.' I wrote it as, sort of,
a sequel to my song 'Slow' (off the Wildflower EP) and it carries themes of love,
loss, and finding hope again. It will be available on September 27, 2024!

After the release of your single, can we expect a longer body of work?

I spent time over the winter working on some new music. Currently, you can
expect a few new singles on the radar!

You have an illustrious career as both an actress and a singer-songwriter. What do you identify as the most? Do you want to settle into one role down the line or both?

I believe that acting and singing/songwriting are closely intertwined with the
root being storytelling. The goal is always to be sharing stories that are
authentically resonating with audiences in a meaningful way. I have a great
appreciation for artists with multi-faceted careers!

Beyond acting and music, do you have any other passions? For instance, I noticed that you were credited as the graphic designer for your EP, Wildflower.

I did work on the album design for Wildflower, including the physical CD
graphics, as well as my merch designs (tote bags and t-shirts). I am no pro by
any means but I do enjoy it! Video editing is also something I enjoy - I often put
together little recap videos of my shows and I’ve published some vlogs of my
time on tour with Dear Evan Hansen. It’s a fun way to be able to look back at
those moments! Another creative outlet and passion of mine is food – you can
often find me in the kitchen baking or cooking up a new recipe!

It’s been almost two years since the release of Wildflower. How do you think you have musically evolved or changed since then?

It is wild to think that almost two years have gone by – they have really flown
right by! I hope to be constantly evolving. Something that has struck me is the
evolution of the meaning of the songs to me. Although I wrote the songs a few
years ago, what’s been particularly special is discovering a deeper connection
and understanding of them as time has gone by.

Wildflower was nominated for a Juno Award for Adult Contemporary Album of the Year earlier this year. How would you describe the impact it has on your career?

I still find it hard to believe! It is an honour to receive the recognition, especially
as an independent artist on my debut release. Of course, I am not in it for the
accolades, but it is a special feeling to know that industry peers appreciate my
work. When this world can be filled with self-doubt, it almost feels like a pat on
the back to say you are on the right path.

What advice can you give to any aspiring singer-songwriter based in Ottawa and beyond?

Another artist once advised me to take my time, reminding me that each artist
has their own unique path and there is no rush! Also, I would say, don’t force
yourself to fit into any boxes. Before my debut release, there was a time when I
was working on demos and felt guilty of that, like the music didn’t speak to me.
Embracing authenticity will always provide clarity and have lasting impact.

Do you have any artists that you’d recommend for people to listen to?

Recently, I played a show with artist, MJ Walker, and quickly became a fan of
his music and his sound. A friend of mine, Julia Gartha, is one to look out for as
well! Beautiful songwriting and gorgeous vocals and melodies. Check them

Is there anything else that you’d like to share with us?

I’ve got an upcoming hometown performance at the National Arts Centre’s
Fourth Stage on September 26th, 2024. It’s been a bucket-list venue, super
excited! Tickets are available at:

You can stay in touch with me at

Thank you!


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