Since moving to Dallas, TX back in 2019, I normally spend my Halloween on the couch watching movies, eating candy, and having some "boo-ze". This year, I decided to do something different. No, I didn't go out out to a party. Well... I guess I kind of did. I called up about 1,000 of my close friends and we all decided to head on down to The Echo Lounge & Music Hall to throw a Halloween party with some of our other best friends: Varials, Currents, & Polaris. And, what a Halloween party it was! From costumes to candy to headbanging and everything in between, it truly was one of the best Halloweens ever.
Coming all the way from Philadelphia, PA was Varials! Varials has grown into one of my favorite bands recently and I believe this was about the 5th time seeing them. I normally know what to expect when seeing the band, but was totally thrown off when their walk-up music was pretty much a trap remix of a Willy Wonka song. I guess it made sense since Willy Wonka and his team of Oompa Loompas graced the stage. This team must have been really pissed off with the kids at the chocolate factory because they brought the HEAVY. The crowd immediately broke out into several mosh-pits and shook the venue to its core. Obviously Dallas wasn't ready for Varials because the band brought such a heavy beatdown that they knocked out the lights during their set. While I initially fell into a panic, the crowd had my back. The stage proceeded to be illuminated by several hundred flashlights. Easily one of the top 5 concert moments I've ever had the luxury of experiencing. Not only did it absolutely incredible, but it just went to show the love and support that fans have for Varials. I can't wait for the band to make their way back to Dallas again!

Currents hit the stage next with their variety of Halloween costumes. The last time I had the absolute luxury of catching them was back on their headliner with Like Moths to Flames, UnityTX, & Foreign Hands. The time before that was as one of the openers for Miss May I. Whether they are the headliner or one of the opening bands, Currents always brings the mayhem. While the band has found their way to become of my personal favorites, I know I'm not alone in that regard because the amount of moshers and crowd surfers was absolutely mental. I lost track after the first 10 minutes of their set! I know I said how Varials had the venue shaking, but Currents had the surrounding area setting off the Richter scale! With songs that make you want to bang your head to ones that leave you in tears, there is a Currents song for any and every occasion. While their entire set was phenomenal, start to finish, the absolute best moment had to have been when vocalist Brain Wille threw a piñata into the crowd & it got torn to shreds.

It finally came to that point in the night for the headliner to take the stage. I must have read the bill wrong because I expected to see Polaris but instead I saw a swarm of Buc-ee Beavers take the stage. Within seconds, I heard those familiar Aussie breakdowns, and I realized it was just the wonderful Polaris boys in costume! While this was just my second time seeing Polaris, it felt just like old times. Something about Polaris' songs just hit you right where you need them to. From hearing "The Mortal Coil" back in 2017 to having 2020's "The Death of Me" on repeat, I've been a fan of the band for quite some time. Including the release of "Fatalism" this year, it is absolutely mind blowing how a band with only 3 full length albums could be this huge. But, I guess this just goes to show the power and impact Polaris have on their fans.
The entire night was full of emotions as the band played banger after banger after banger. What I would give to go back and relive every second the night again...

If you're a fan of the band, I don't need to dive into the details of what they have experienced this past year. But, I will say this: the success of this tour is a testament to how impactful Polaris is. I know for a fact that Ryan Siew would be proud of every single show on this tour & be especially proud of the sold out show in Dallas, TX on Halloween.
I hope the next time Polaris comes through the area that they are able to headline an even bigger stage to allow even more fans & friends a chance to bask in the euphoria that is Polaris.