With a year packed full of shows in 2024, and a nice little break between the holidays and the coldest time of the year here in Canada, it was time to finally kick off my 2025 year of concerts, and there was no better artist to start that off with than with Soccer Mommy.
Opening the show tonight was artist Tomberlin, who arrived on stage with her acoustic guitar in hand. Starting with her song “Hours” from her Projections EP, Tomberlin set up a very chill and relaxing vibe, which I think everyone who was attending needed, as Toronto is a city like New York; it never sleeps or takes a break. After the first song, Tomberlin brought out her friend Alice, who accompanied her and beautifully played the cello along to each of her tracks. I also enjoyed Tomberlin’s sense of humour, as she would make witty comments and jokes with the crowd. Tomberlin also went on a tangent about how much she's enjoying the show Buffy The Vampire Slayer, mentioning that she's only on season 6, and politely asked the crowd not to spoil anything for her. Finishing her set with songs “Happy Hour” and “Tap”, Tomberlin was definitely a soothing and enjoyable artist to witness live.

Soccer Mommy arrived next, briefly showing up with her band to test and tune their instruments, before disappearing again, allowing the lights to fully dim and a beautiful projection of a forest lit with an evening light to shine across the stage. Soccer Mommy and her band arrived into their positions and the show commenced kicking it off with tracks “Abigail”, “Circle the Drain”, and “Driver”. Right off the bat, I really enjoyed how, compared to the studio-recorded versions of Soccer Mommy’s songs, the live versions add so much more depth and feeling to the tracks that you can find yourself becoming lost and embodied in them. Switching guitars often between tracks, Soccer Mommy’s one guitar especially caught my eye. It was black, with a white front that had some sort of shimmer vinyl covering, which bounced and reflected the stage lights off of it beautifully as she played.

Thanking the crowd between each song, Soccer Mommy stopped to speak with the crowd about her latest album Evergreen, saying that she wanted to create this tour as a compliment to the album as well as songs from previous projects. Performing her track “Feel It All The Time”, she reflected that the song is about her truck that she had that, unfortunately, died on her, but used that metaphorically as a way to recognize aging. Playing through songs “Some Sunny Day”, “Lucy” and “M”, and closing with song “Changes”, Soccer Mommy and her band put on a well put together show, never missing a beat with one another, and a night that would become something incredibly memorable for the most diehard fans.

You can stream Soccer Mommy’s latest album Evergreen below on Spotify: