A couple of years ago, a random press release from Thriller Records introduced me to what would become one of my favorite bands, If Not For Me. It even led me to being lucky enough to hang out with them at a tiny, intimate record shop in Raleigh not long afterward (article). They've grown massively since then, and for good reason. I got to catch up with them this past weekend when they opened for label-mates Catch Your Breath on their 'Broken Souls' tour, and I'm happy to report that the guys are still just as humble and easygoing as ever! They are truly some of the sweetest and most grateful guys in the scene. And now, without further ado, welcome to TEN WITH MSM, with Patty Glover (vocals) and Hayden Calhoun (guitar).
MSM: So, number one, what is your number one touring item?
PATTY: Necessity. Ooh. Touring item necessity. I'd probably say my Pillow Pet Samson is definitely one of them.
HAYDEN: Okay. Yes. I had a feeling he was going to say that. I honestly don't know. I guess probably a blanket or pillow. I know it's very close too, but I have a weighted blanket that's really, I don't know. Everybody likes it cold in the van except for me, and I get so cold and that has a lot. It's like 10 pounds.
MSM: Number two, top band that you would love to tour with.
PATRICK: This is really hard, but I'm going to say Bring Me The Horizon.
HAYDEN: I would have to say that, too. Or I Prevail, if I have to be different.
PATTY: That's a good one, too.
MSM: Favorite city to play in that you have played in?
PATTY: Maybe Atlanta, honestly.
HAYDEN: That's a good one. I like LA and that area. If I have to go rapid fire, I'd say that.
MSM: Favorite piece of gear that you cannot live without?
PATTY: Oh, favorite piece of gear. I can't live without my in my in-ears, they are everything to me. I need them.
INFM: I'd have to say my EverTune guitar, I think. Okay. Yeah. That's good. The EverTune Bridge.
MSM: Favorite musical
PATTY: Hamilton! Hands down, without a doubt.
HAYDEN: I have to say Wicked because that's the only one I really know of, but I've never seen any.
PATTY: I love musicals.
MSM: What is your favorite song that you can't help but sing along to when it comes on?
PATTY: I Want to Dance With Somebody by Whitney Houston.
HAYDEN: The only thing that comes to mind is cool by Dua Lipa, but there's a lot.
MSM: Favorite underrated artist?
PATTY: I'm going to say Like Moths to Flames. I feel like they should be way bigger than they are.
HAYDEN: I would have to say maybe Archers, they're on the tour with us. They're very good.
MSM: Favorite off day activity?
PATTY: I love getting pedicures and eating. I love eating.
HAYDEN: Going to be working for me.
PATTY: That's on brand.
HAYDEN: I have a very hard time working when everything's going nuts around me, I guess, so when I get the chance to not do anything, I like to sit down on my computer and catch up.
MSM: All right. Last one, number 10. What is your dream venue or dream city? So either one, whichever's easier.
PATTY: Oh man.
HAYDEN: Got to be quicker.
PATTY: I know this is hard though. I'm trying to think of one that we haven't played already, because there were a couple of dream venues we've already played, but I might have to say Chain Reaction in Anaheim, even though it's a really tiny hole-in-the-wall venue. But I grew up watching my favorite bands live sets and stuff like that on YouTube, and for some reason they were always at Chain Reaction, so that probably would be mine, even though it's a tiny venue.
HAYDEN: I would actually say the same thing, if I had to pick a venue in the US.
MSM: It doesn't have to be the us.
HAYDEN: Yeah, I really want to play the UK. I don't know a specific spot, really, but we're going to go over there soon. I'm really stoked about it.