Need to hear some heartfelt storytelling and music? How about a few laughs to go along with it? If your answer is yes to these questions, then the band TopHouse might be just what you need. Hailing originally from Montana, and now based in Nashville, Tennessee, the group has released multiple albums and EP's showcasing not only their talents within the folk genre, but also bluegrass, rock, Irish and maybe even a little pop! The promotion of their latest release titled Practice, is what brings their current tour to the Lincoln Theatre in Raleigh, North Carolina.
The venue was packed and an overall sense of cheer and positive energy could be felt in the air as everyone eagerly awaited for TopHouse to begin their performance. When the time came, and the band walked out to an epic orchestral overture as if they were about to embark on a legendary quest, it became quite evident what the tone for the evening was going to be: corny jokes, good humor and great music. Lyrics covering heartbreak and addiction, ballads of fictional and non-fictional characters and even an adventurous tale detailing the conquering of Chicago kept the audience singing, clapping and stomping along all night.

After taking us on an evening of journeys through their music, TopHouse began to approach the end of their performance. With a quick trade off of instruments, they announced their final song would be their hit, "The Mountain Song" and when the first keyboard notes rang out, the crowd became the loudest they had been all night. The pure happiness of not only the audience as they sang along, but also the members of TopHouse, was evident by the smiles and gleaming eyes all around the venue.

In conclusion, TopHouse the band is something pure and special in a music industry that sometimes seems to lose its creativity. This is most evident in their live performances where one can easily see the passion, love and talent these four musicians possess. TopHouse is currently on tour and have show dates that span the east and west coasts of the United States and they will also be heading to Europe in May.