Kevin Young

Vicious Rain - 'There Is Beauty In Letting Go' [Album Review]

Kevin Young
Oct 11, 2024
3 min read

Emerging from historic Baden, Switzerland, is Vicious Rain, an alternative metalcore quintet who have rapidly gained momentum since their formation in late 2022. Though they are somewhat green, this has not stopped them from adding numerous shows and festivals, including last year's Summer Breeze Open Air, to their repertoire of live performances. And that is yet a taste of what is to come. The band's lineup consists of David Häusermann (vocals), Mauro Gugerli (guitar and vocals), Tristan Meier (guitar), Loris De Notaristefano (bass), and Michael Teufelberger (drums). As one, they have forged a sound that is reminiscent of 2000s metalcore/post-hardcore with fine touches of modern styles, whether that be punishing breakdowns, riffs, and harsh vocals, or groovy and melodic rhythms that lift up massive choruses. It may be said that they offer something for everyone.

On March 30th, 2023, they released their first of what would become seven singles from their highly anticipated debut album, There is Beauty in Letting Go, out October 11th through Arising Empire. Shortly after its release, "The Devil & Lovers" found its way to Spotify's "Modern Heavy Music," Apple Music's "Breaking Metal," and Amazon Music's "Fresh Metal.". However, it would not be the only song to appear on well-known playlists; "Blackout," "Crown of Thorns," "Like A Nightmare," "Shadow Dancer," and "Play Pretend" were among the other hits that made appearances. And, on September 19th, they released the music video for their final single, "Hysteria," featuring fellow label artist Half Me. It's difficult to ignore this artist's development; with each new song, the choir of praise gets louder and louder, and it will undoubtedly keep growing along with their success.

Below are my personal interpretations and perspectives of my favorite tracks:

"Play Pretend"

Another day begins and again, here I lay, sorting through what mask I will wear. As I mutter to myself, the tiny voice in my heart pleads for me to throw them in the fire and be rid of their strings. This is all I've ever known; to show the world who I truly am feels impossible. Sadly, their influence and false comfort have left a lasting mark on my identity; I may take them with me to my grave.

"Like A Nightmare"

It has been six years, and I still feel your warmth and merciless bite. Your demons became my own, constantly ripping at the seam for a chance to invade my heart once more. I am the one at fault for not seeing the clear signs, blaming it on the sun's glare. I am a victim of my own negligence. Suppressing my survival instincts for a taste of you. And here I remain, drowning from the pain and trauma I put myself through, a gnawed and broken reflection of a once whole man.

"Shadow Dancer"

I remember when you said, "Maybe we are only in each other's lives for a season." Instead of a pang of pain, I felt a soft wave of acceptance. My heart knew this to be true, but my mind was not ready to accept. It happened after we both emerged from rock bottom, heads held high, and arms intertwined. Your words started to make sense to me. At first, we believed our moment together was meant to be permanent, but at the same time, we also recognized that our hearts weren't compatible, not now. Our conjoined spirits gradually began to reject one another, not bitterly but rather in a natural separation. I can still see the peace in your eyes as we said our goodbyes, with a glint of hope that the universe would reunite us once again.

Hearing an artist share this level of vulnerability and directness in their lyrics isn't something I anticipated, but I am grateful they were. There Is Beauty in Letting Go brings out the raw and emotionally intense side of earlier metalcore with the strengths and finesse of modern metal. It is truly handcrafted and a product of blood, sweat, and tears. "Swiss do it different" has been thrown around frequently in articles and posts I have seen over the years, and I would have to agree. Vicious Rain are not a trendy new artist; no, they are a part of a new wave of metal we are beginning to witness from around the globe. Those not afraid to allow their humanity to bleed into the themes and lyrics, not conforming to formulas that give them a moment of stardom before being cast aside. This new wave has honor and respect for the art itself while reminding us how profound and beautiful musical expression truly is. I offer my utmost respect to these guys and hope to see them on a US tour someday.

FFO: Miss May I, The Word Alive, Wage War, MAVIS

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